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Extended - Developmental Services


Parent Infant Programs Extended Developmental Services are designed for children experiencing the combination of social and communication challenges to their development. These developmental intervention services focus on supporting the parents, and/or caregivers, of the child in an effort to increase the child’s participation in daily activities and maximize the child’s learning and development. This is accomplished by working with parents and caregivers to embed intervention strategies into the daily routines and activities of the family. Children experiencing social and communication challenges may benefit from particular intervention strategies that are more effective when provided more frequently.

The combination of social and communication challenges can sometimes make it difficult for children to imitate, make their needs known to others, play and can make certain social interactions problematic. Because of these challenges, there are specific intervention strategies that research has proven effective at establishing some foundational learning skills. This frequent and, potentially, more structured home visit design has the effect of more directly supporting a child in some of the foundational components of development. These teaching strategies are evidence based, utilizing a naturalistic blend of developmental and behavioral intervention strategies but are delivered in the context of parent support. Specific attention is paid to identifying highly motivating materials and activities as a means to facilitate interaction and supporting basic skill development. 




Our Developmental Consultants are experts in child development, developing relationships and in identifying opportunities to support parents in increasing learning opportunities for their children. As Developmental Specialists we are experts in supporting children and families in fostering healthy development. However, caregivers are experts in their own children. Developmental Consultants work with caregivers as partners to support a child’s movement through the crucial domains of child development to maximize the developmental potential of the child. It is the goal of home visits to combine professional expertise with caregiver expertise to design and enhance developmental experiences that maximize a child’s development.


Typically, Parent Infant Programs services consist of home visits designed to support caregivers in identifying and enhancing everyday experiences that promote development in the developmental areas of need. These visits can be a mix of observation, discussion, intentional play, modeling techniques and many other intervention strategies. The use of these strategies are a result of the child and caregivers needs and are designed to increase the opportunities for learning beyond the time designated for the home visit.  Services can also include visits that take place in other environments that families regularly visit (e.g., the park, library, etc.). 

The frequency and length of these visits are determined by a child’s specific needs and the family’s unique desires and circumstances.